Harad Powder Now Available In Kathmandu
Harad is an herb which is commonly known as Harade in India. It has multiple Ayurvedic health benefits. Harad is an amazing herb that can be helpful in controlling hair loss and promoting hair growth. Harad has Ruksha (dry), Deepan (appetizer), Medhya (intelligence improving), and Rasayana (rejuvenating) properties. The use of Harad is beneficial for eyes and general weakness due to its Chakshuya (good for eyes) and Brahan (improves health) nature. It also helps to reduce body ache due to the Vata Anuloma (Vata balancing) property. Harad is also useful in reducing cough and its associated problems like breathlessness. It also helps in relieving digestive problems due to its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive).
Harad Powder: Benefits
- Weight loss
- Weak digestion.
- Constipation.
- Skin disease.
- Cough and Cold.
- Arthritis.
- Alzheimer’s Disease.
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